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Scores & Stats

photo (15)We have 9 regular games and then playoffs.  Here’s a handy reference guide of our progress thus far.

Game #1 vs Superstars, 10-33

Game #2 vs Torpedoes, 19-23

Game #3 vs HD Canes,  9-13

Game #4 vs Miami Storm, 2-36

Game #5 vs Miami Ballers/Jr Raiders, 1-19

Game #6 vs HD Heat, 11-21

Game #7 No Game, Thanksgiving

Game #8 vs Hurricanes, 9-18


From Coach Bill

Lay back and shoot. This is a great exercise that’s easy yet produces excellent results – plus kids can do it inside. Just lie on your back on the floor with a basketball. Then, from the lying down position “shoot” the ball straight into the air, using one hand (as shown in the video.) Focus on shooting the ball straight into the air, with the ball spinning backwards. Spend ten or fifteen minutes a day doing this and shooting skills WILL improve!

Bolts Reading List

halberstam book

For die hard fans, I wanted to recommend a book about Michael Jordan and more specifically Phil Jackson’s coaching of him. This book is what got me passionate about the game of basketball. It illustrates how this awesome game can lend itself to a mastery of mind that extends beyond the courts for its players. I love this idea.

If anyone is looking for a good read, it’s a great story by a legendary writer who sadly passed recently.  Clicking the cover will take you to amazon – for your convenience- where you can read other reviews of the book.

From Coach Bill

Here’s an excellent introduction to the figure 8 dribble, which anyone can practice in a driveway, for as long as they want. Every 5 minutes spent doing the figure 8 dribble will increase a players’ ball-handling precision and control.
In the video, notice how low to the ground the dribble is, and the rhythm.
It will take time and practice but even a little bit of figure 8 a day will lead to steady ball-handling improvement.
Don’t expect to be dribbling to a “rhythm” at first.
It is ok to look at the ball as you dribble to establish your sense of control and mastery, but eventually you want to reach the point where your vision is 100 % focussed ahead, and not looking at the ball, so always try to look up, even if it’s for just a few seconds before looking back down at the ball, especially when first starting out with this drill.

Asst Coach and Backup Coach

If you are interested in volunteering to be an Asst Coach or the Backup Coach, please send Sarah an email.

Asst Coach  should intend to be at every practice and every game to help Coach Bill. Great if you are familiar with bball, running plays, and game strategy.

Backup Coach will help out wherever needed, cover for the Asst Coach if needed.

Thanks parents!

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